Page 10 - Album Monografic Judetul Teleorman
P. 10

80 %of thesurface.

                                                                     The main river is Vedea river, which crosses its
                                                                territory, in diagonal, with a North-West South - East
                                                                direction, on a distance of 120 km, from Socetu to the
                                                                     CălmăŃuiul is the second river, as importance, and

                                                                it comes from Boian Plain, it has a length of 118 km,
                                                                and it flows into Suhaia lake, situated at the contact

                                                                     Olt River sews the county territory on a length of
                                                                20 km in the South - West part, before the junction with
                                                                     Danube, the river of European interest, borders
                                                                thecountyon alengthof90 kminthe    Southernpart,
              The hydrologic network in Teleorman County

         presents some features specific to the area where it is
         situated, being made up of Danube River and its main
         tributaries in this sector: Olt, Călmătuiul and Vedea

         rivers. The North-Eastern part of the county is crossed
         by Dîmbovnic, Glavacioc and Câlniştea, small rivers,
         which are Neajlov tributaries. The territory is also
         crossed by Teleorman river and Burdea, Câinelui,
         Tinoasa,ClăniŃa,Nanov andTârnavasprings.

              The water resources in the county (with the
         Danube and Olt exception) are moderated under the
         quantitative report and they are under the ground

         waters form (surface and ground waters) and of the
         surface waters form (rivers, natural and artificial     representing a special importance for a territory where
         lakes).                                                the water is not enough. Next to its banks, the Danube
              V edea and CălmăŃuiul are the main rivers in the  created a succession of river grinds towards the inside
         countywhich,togetherwiththeir tributaries,sew over     have appeared some small valleys temporarily covered

                                                                by waters called lişteve (Lişteava Mare, Lişteava
                                                                Mica,Vasluiului,Lupilor, Lată, LaPlopi,Zimnicea).

                                                                     In the plain, outside the meadow, the majority of
                                                                small valleys are occupied by permanent or
                                                                temporarily lakes, many of them dried (lakes: Bercelu,
                                                                Sărat, Balta Luciei, Balta Roşie, Cioara, Balta lui Bran,

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