Page 26 - Album Monografic Judetul Teleorman
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Deal,łigăneşti,Slăveşti,TătărăştiideSus. Zimnicea, as well as the strongholds from Albeşti,
Here it has been discovered an important number Orbeasca de Sus, Pleaşov, Trivale Moşteni etc. The
of objects: silex tools, stone, bone, corn or copper, archeological diggings from the mentioned sites took
ceramics dishes with forms of various scenery, out a lot of fragments and Getic ceramics dishes,
anthropomorphic and zoomorphic statues, ornament coming from the Greek and Elenistics di shes, fibulas,
objects. Some discovers have national unique tools,etc.
character, as the ceramic fragments painted with gold,
discovered at Vităneşti. The importance of the
discovers in Neolithic Epoch, has determined
beginning, with 1998 year, the organisation of an
international RomanianBritish programme for
research,whichhas beencar ryingon untilpresent.
The archeological discovers in the bronze epoch
in Teleorman County are less in number, but not
without importance: the necropolis from the late
Vas ceramică (sec. XIV)-Zimnicea
bronze period from Zimnicea, important for the culture
From the funeral discovers, the most famous is
intheSouth of Romaniaandapartof Bulgaria.
the princiar tomb from Peretu, (discovered in
From the first iron epoch we remark the rich
November 1970 and it dates from the IV-th century B.
ornamented ceramics from the settlement belonging to
CH). In this tomb, there were discovered a helmet and a
Basarabi culture from Lăceni and, especially the
scepter, both of them from silver, partially gilt, three
tumular tomb from Bujoru where was discovered the
silver dishes for drinking, 47 silver bulbs for
famous wagon - kettle (from bronze and iro n)
ornaments, the rest from a cart with four wheels, etc.
From the IV-th century B. CH, is also the tomb from
Fântânele where, in a tumular destroyed tomb, have
been discovered the rest from a Greek bronze dish,
Getics dishes, an Elenistic amphora and a decorated
At Zimnicea, in another tumular tomb, there were
discovered in 1948 a Greek bronze helmet, two
Thasiene amphora, silver and bronze dishes,
Macedonian coins, ceramic dishes, arrows tops and
Because Teleorman was situated in the proximity
of Danube river, at the border with the Ottoman
Empire, on its territory were umolled in the middle age
many battles, that the princes in Romanian Country
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Agreat increase of the settlements and necropolis carried them on to defend the ascendants' territory.
number (and implicit of the archeological discovers) is Mircea cel Bătrân (1386 -1418) took in this way, a
produced in the second iron epoch, from this period is series of measures to strengthen the limit from the
the strengthened settlement and the cemeteries from Danube, consolidating and building new strongholds,