Page 5 - Album Monografic Judetul Teleorman
P. 5
With the beginnings lost in the fog of centuries, Teleorman County, the ancient territory of the
Southern extremity of Romanian geografic area, certifies - by the uninterrupted signs transmitted over the time
among the ancient forests - his permanence on these regions, but also the distinguished place, well defined, of
Teleorman people in the geographic Romanian spirituality. Starting from the fact this area, in the proximity of
Olt junction with Danube - a cultural region rich traditions and resources - is less known that it is justified both
by the personalities' value from its history and culture and by the contemporaries' relations, I send you the
invitation to know us through this "visiting card". I think that after seeing this "visiting card" you will be closer
tous, becomeour guests thatwearewaitingfor withlove,inthespiritoftraditionalhospitality.
We, the people in Teleorman, aspire, beside all the Romanians, at the fully integration in the big family
of the European peoples. As elected representative of this community, I offer and I ask you, on behalf of the
community, the sincere collaboration and the cooperation, thus our desiderate to become reality as soon as
Liviu Nicolae DRAGNEA
President of Teleorman County Council