Page 42 - Album Monografic Judetul Teleorman
P. 42

INDUSTRY                                               of 5% andaspore of theinvestments 10%.
                                                                     It is remarkable the volume of the foreign
             The representatives industries in Teleorman        investments. On the first places were situated the
         county are: chemical, machine construction and metals  Holland,Germany, France,USAandCyprus.
         processing, electro-technique, metallurgy, extraction,     There were noticed other increasing to the

         textile,alimentary,millsandpanification.               following branches: polygraphy - printing house,
             As the main tendencies registered in the relaunch  processing the tires (rubber) and the plastics, tobaccos
         process of the economy in the county, we can say that  processing,food - drinks, metallurgy, paperandcarton.
         the industrial production, in a capitalization expression
                                                                    The main economic agents are: Chemical Plant SC
         shows anincreasingtrend.
                                                                Turnu SA Turnu M gurele (fertilizers), Electrotel SA
             The physical production shows increasing at:       Alexandria (electrical equipment), SC Koyo România
         comestible oil, combined fodders, beer, biscuits,      (bearings), SC Mopan SA Turnu M gurele (flour and
         chemicalfertilizers,electricalengines,etc.             panification), SC Spicul SA Ro iorii de Vede
             The main ponders on branches are detained by       (panification), SC Electroturris SA Turnu M gurele
         machines and equipments, alimentary industry,          (electrical equipment), SC Comcereal SA Alexandria

         metallurgy, chemistry, textile industry, electrical    (contracting, buying and taking over of the agriculture
         energy and combustible, petrol and natural gases, other  products), SC Zimtub SA Zimnicea (metallurgy and
         branches.                                              metallic constructions), Lorentz Turnu M gurele
             The dates for 2006 year indicate a GDP increasing  (textiles).

                                        Combinatul chimic S.C. Turnu S.A. - Turnu Măgurele

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