Page 37 - Album Monografic Judetul Teleorman
P. 37

forest, at only 34 km from the former Kaza Turnu. The  Alexandria, "Sf. Alexandru" Church has become

         Monument was built up by Dragomir, the big "vornic"    Bishop Cathedral.
         and his wife Helen, in 1648 year. From the initial
         assemble, built from an imposing belfry tower, inside
         massive walls the church, and monarchal buildings,

         have remained today, only parts of these, a part of the
         "Cuvioasa Paraschiva" Church in Bujoreni, is a church
         made of wood, built in 1711 year during Constantin

         Brâncoveanu and it was brought here from a mountain
         villagein1862 year.
             "St. Alexandru" Bishop Cathedral in Alexandria.
         In 1836 year, after two years from the town

         establishing by the prince of the Romanian Country,
         Alexandru Dimitrie Ghica (1834-1842), the town
         people have built a church of wood named "Sf.
         Alexandru", which became too small in a short time.

         The town "epitropie" has succeeded to build the actual
         Cathedral, between 1869-1898 years, sacred by the
                                                                     Catedrala “Sf. Haralambie” - Turnu Măgurele
         losif Gheorghian the Metropolitan man, on the 6th of
         December 1898. The ornaments specific to the "Sf.          "St. Haralambie" Church in Turnu M gurele
         Alexandru" Cathedral is the mural painting executed    Municipality. The first church on this location was
         by Constantin Pascali, Constantin Artachino and the    built between 1842-1845 years. The actual church was
         famous Stefan Luchian painters, in 1898 year, in       built of the initiative of the King Carol I and queen
         Byzantine style. In 1994 year, "Sf. Alexandru"         Elisabeta. The plans have been realized by Leconte de

         Cathedral has become princely necropolis through       Nouy with architectural elements from the «Curtea de
         bringing into the pro-nave the Alexandru Dimitrie      Arge » Monastery. The painting, in Byzantine style,
         Ghicabones.                                            has been executed by Italian painters: Romeo
                                                                Girolamo and Giuseppe Vespa. The church has been

                                                                sanctified in 1905 year by Iosef Gheorghian. The great
                                                                historian Nicolae Iorga considered it to be the third in
                                                                thecountry, throughitsvalueandbeauty.
                                                                    Baldovine ti Monastery Ruins. The Monestery
                                                                from Baldovine ti, the village which belong to the
                                                                    ă ş
                                                                Ciol ne ti commune is, at this moment, in the process
                                                                of becoming a ruin, although it can be seen the
                                                                construction type with belfry in front. The style seems

                                                                to be contemporary to Matei Basarab (the XVII-th
                 Catedrala “Sf. Alexandru” - Alexandria         century), but it is supposed that the church is much
             In 1996 year, through establishing the Bishop of   older, being of a Monastery built by Baldovin, the chief
         Alexandria and Teleorman, with the residence at        of MirceacelB trânoffice.
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