Page 35 - Album Monografic Judetul Teleorman
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thepopulation's food needsandtheclothes. Examples are replay of the Gurban tradition - the
A series of extracted texts from the writers' St.Trifan holiday, the vineyards and wine protector - in
creations in Teleorman Zaharia Stancu and Marin Licuriciu, C line ti and Izvoarele localities (the 1st of
Preda, introduce us better in the atmosphere of the February), and the replay of the "C lu ul" in the
ă ş
villageinTeleorman. localitiesas N stureluandCalomfire ti.
The network of culture units: 97 public libraries In Teleorman County there are stockade 57
(1 county library, 4 municipal and town libraries, 92 thousand cultural goods, of which 7000 are goods with
communal libraries), 9 museums (1 county museum, 2 special value, which are part of the national cultural
municipal museums, 6 village museums), 6 Houses of patrimony.
Culture (Alexandria - 1, Ro iorii de Vede - 2, Turnu
M gurele- 1,Videle-1, Zimnicea-1).
The people in Teleorman were and are
communicative and joyful people, the people who love
the songs and dances, as it is shown by the great
number of the musical and dances assembles which
were established and were performed in different
localities in Teleorman, along the years, and the
number and the diversity of the musical and
choreographic shows, which have taken place here,
presented by the local assembles or the ones which
came from Bucharest or from other towns in the Monumentul Eroilor din Războiul pentru Independen ă
Turnu Măgurele
In the same, in the county there are stockade 570
historical monuments, of which: 60 monuments and
historic sites, 316 monuments and assembles of
architecture, 2 memorial buildings, 8 monuments and
assembles of plastic arts and 15 historic, urban and
In the cultural and artistic life in Teleorman, the
activity of the artistic assembles have had an important
place, which were active in various localities,
especially in towns, in Alexandria, Turnu M gurele
and Ro iorii de Vede. Realizing the folk music shows Biserica “Sf. Dumitru”- comuna Vedea
and concerts in the county and in other localities in the ® Museums: Teleorman County Museum
country by "BurnasulAssembly of Songs and Dances", Alexandria, Municipal History Museum Ro iorii de
"Teleormanul"vocalgroup. Vede,MunicipalArt MuseumTurnu M gurele.