Page 34 - Album Monografic Judetul Teleorman
P. 34
c o u n t y w h i c h o r g a n i z e
permanently and temporarily
exhibitions onVarious themes and
cultural events specific to re-
vitalization of some winter and
spring traditions and habits,
respective at Izvoarele, Dobroteşti,
Traian, Năsturelu, Lisa, Brînceni,
Ethnography exhibition of
the County Museum, which
capitalizes the ethnography
collection of the museum, was
realized in collaboration with the
Village Museum in Bucharest and
Cinematograful din Turnu Măgurele
it was financed by the Teleorman
County Council. The exhibition presents the say that in Teleorman existed a real domestic textile
Teleorman peasant's house and the living way of the industry. During the winter time the woman was
Teleorman peasant from the first part of the XX-th working from the morning till late in the night, because
century. she had to dress the whole family, to assure the textile
- The peasant's house re-built having as a model necessary to arrangethe inside of the house, to decorate
the houses in Siliştea Gumeşti is composed of porch, the girls' trousseau chests. In the exhibition there are
entranceroomandtheliving-room. presented both textiles for wear and tools to realize
- The traditional clothes in Teleorman can be them. The man's job is illustrated through a series of
followed in its evolution across the time. The working objects that remember us about the old Romanian
clothes are simple ornamented, while the holiday peasant's job- agriculture.
clothes is ornate, includes the whole imagination of
The main occupations of our ancestors have
always been the land cultivation and raising the
- The exhibition, also, presents the men and animals. These occupations have been developed in
women's jobs. Referring to the woman's job, we can tight connection and have assured both the