Page 36 - Album Monografic Judetul Teleorman
P. 36

in this way if it also contains a patrimony of cultural

                                                                goods, immobile and mobile, hereditary from the
                                                                former epochs and which put into value a historical and
                                                                cultural past which offers it a special identity. It doesn't
                                                                matter if there are monuments, assembles and

                                                                archeological sites, of architecture, of plastic art, or
                                                                memorial sites, their value is given by the
                                                                characteristics through which it is particularized in the

                                                                      The historical Monuments in Teleorman shows
                                                                the continuity and the particularities of people's life,
                                                                living and work from this part of the country, their
                                                                permanently presence in the middle of the battle for

                                                                defending and keeping the people unity and of the
                                                                Romanian figure, their contribution to the keeping and
                                                                    In Balaci locality there are the ruins of a large

                                                                noble family, house, according to the founder's
                                                                                              ă ă
                                                                ambitions, aga Constantin B l ceanu, the prince
            ®Monuments: Alexandria: the “St. Alexandru"         Ş erban Cantacuzino's sun in law (1678-1688). The
         Bishop Cathedral, where there is the prince Alexandru  Assemble, which bear the name of "Curtea

         Ghica sarcophagus; Ro iorii de Vede: Heroes            B l cenilor", is formed from the former "paradis",
                                                                  ă ă
         Monument from the First World War; Turnu-              become village church, named "Adormirea Maicii
         M gurele: "Mircea cel B trân" Statue, "Soldier"        Domnului" and the rest of the basement of the large
         Monument,"David Praporgescu" Statue.                   noblehouse.
            ®Natural Monuments: The natural Reservation of
         poplarsandforesttulipsinPlopiiSl vite tiCommune.
                            ă ş
         à - "Tel" from Vit ne ti - Eneolitic location, type
         Gumelni a(V-thmillenniumbeforeCH.)
         à - Getic location fortified from Zimnicea (IV-1st

         à - Vestiges of the Roman "castru" built in the II-nd
         centuryafterCHr. fromIzlaz(Racovi apoint)
         à - The Land Fortress from the XIV-th century in          Pl viceniMonastery
         Frumoasa                                               is a representative
         à - The Ruine of Turnu Fortress (Mircea cel B trân's   monument of the
         fortificationfromtheendof theXIV-thcentury)            Valachian architecture,
         Historic Monuments    . A county is rich from the      from the XVII-th century,
         spirituality point of view, not only if it sent in the  being an imposing and sober assembly, situated in the
         national pantheon name that give it brilliancy, it is rich  innundablevalleyofOltriverinthemiddleofasecular

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