Page 68 - Album Monografic Judetul Teleorman
P. 68
fishing possibilities) 9/21of June 1848
Ä Alexandria Municipality: Ä Balaci:
B l ceanu family's lordly house ruins
¸ County History Museum, where you can find over ¸ ă ă
50 thousand exhibits, grouped in 70 collections of ¸ The church built in 1684
T t r tii de Sus: "La Ziduri" B l ceanu family's
archaeology, paleontology, numismatic, ethnography, Ä ă ă ăş ă ă
history,artetc). lordly house ruins, the last lordly court from the end of
¸ 6 churches, the most important being ST.Alexandru theXVIII - thcentury
Bishop Cathedral (1869 - 1898) with mural pictures Ä Brânceni: “St. Evanghelist Luca" church painted
and the altar painted by Luchian Ş tefan and N. by Gheorghe Tatarescu
Artachino, and it shelters the sarcophagus with Ä Prunaru:
AlexandruDimitrieGhicabones, thetown establisher. ¸ Cavalry Monument
¸ Alexandru loan Cuza statue, ¸ First WorId War heroes cemetery
¸ Teleorman Heroes Monument 1916 - 1918 - The touring hotel base is composed of: Hotel Parc -180
Telorman Heroes Monument 1941 - 1945 - The places and Hanul cu Noroc -20 places (Alexandria),
Soldiers' cemeteryfromtheFirstWorldWar HotelTurris 210 places (Tumu M gurele), HotelVedea
Ä Turnu M gurele Municipality: - 110 places (Ro iorii de Vede), and Hotel Danubius -
¸ Turnu Medieval Fortress, built up by Mircea cel 120 places(Zimnicea).
B trân Because of the facilities which will be created here,
¸ Mircea cel B trân statue (realized by Oscar Han) through establishing the free area and the cross border
¸ The Soldier Monument form 1877 (made by R. point by the ferryboat on Danube river, at Turnu
Romanelli) M gurele, the tourism and the accommodation
¸ David Praporgescu statue (realized by C. Ionescu) capacitieswillbedevelopedveryfastinfuture.
¸ Art Museum For the localities situated on the Danube bank, the
Ä Zimnicea: geto - dacica setting type dava (4th -1st agro-tourism is a future idea because of the existed
centurybeforeCH.) possibilities for fishing and hunting in the area and
Ä Islaz: monument dedicated to the proclamation of whichrepresenttheattractionpointsfor tourists.