Page 15 - Album Monografic Judetul Teleorman
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the beginning of the summer time (May - July months),
the most reduced quantity of precipitations are to the
end of the winter timeand at the beginning of the spring
time (January - March months), having a bigger
The highest value of the nebulosity appears in
December and the lowest in August month. Yearly
thereare70 - 80 cleardays and100 cloudydays.
High humidity and the low temperatures of the air
favour the fog appearance. December and January
months have a big number with fog, when the density is
high persists almost all day long, with high intensity in
PotenŃialul bio-pedogeografic al judeŃului
Teleorman a evoluat în strânsă legătură cu condiŃiile de
relief,rocă, climăşihidrografie.
Partea nordică a judeŃului se încadrează în zona
Only the Danube meadow, with large surfaces
pădurilor de stejari, reprezentată prin cer şi gârniŃă la
covered by water introduces a specific topo-climate
care se adaugă şi alte foioase ca teiul, frasinul, ulmul,
nuance. The global solar radiation, which is in an carpenul,părulşimărulpădureŃ.
average of 125 kcal/ cm , and in the South part, on the
VegetaŃia arborescentă este formată din măceş,
Danube terraces, the global amount gets to 127,5 porumbar, gherghinari, corn, soc, lemn câinesc, etc.,
kcal/cm , the biggest value in the country. The period
iar vegetaŃia ierboasă este reprezentată de cimbrişor,
of thesun shiningis between2200-2300 hours/year.
firuŃă, mierea ursului mărgeluşa, laptele cucului, specii
The yearly average temperatures are: 11 °C - the
de păiuşiuri.VegetaŃia luncilor este alcătuită din păduri
highest average monthly temperature, 22,5°C - the
şi pajişti. Pădurile de luncă, numite şi zăvoaie sunt
highest average monthly temperature in July month,
formate din arbori cu lemn moale (plopi, sălcii) şi apar
-27°C - the lowest average monthly temperature in
January. The amplitude over 70°C, of which the 77,7°
C oneinAlexandria,is thehighestinthecountry.
The first day of frost is at the end of October - the
beginning of November, and the last day of frost is at
the end of March - the beginning of April month. This
thing favours the agricultural cultivations, the frost
appears after the insemination, and the thaw before the
process of theplantsdevelopment.
The rainfalls in Teleorman are different, the
heaviest precipitations are at the end of spring time and