Page 20 - Album Monografic Judetul Teleorman
P. 20

±  increaselocalcouncilsactivityefficiency,
                                                                  ±  assure the necessary of the connex information to
                 Teleorman County Council has realized the      realize the decisional act at the County Council level,
         first integrated informatic system of videoconference  respective,localcouncilslevel,

         anddatatransmission.                                     ±  direct connection with other institutions in the
                 The chosen solution was to realize a system in  propertime,
         which to be connected the County Council, Prefecture,    ±  increase operatively responses to crises events
         Local Councils and public decentralized services of    (natural calamities), and interventions in case of

         theministriesandof thecentraladministration.           emergency,
                 As an informational nucleus of public local      ±  access to a centralized system of managing the
         administration, the County Council has realized and    information and dates resulted in public local
         developed this system in more phases, phases which     administration and in other institutions (access to the

         consist of assuring the informational infrastructure   information concerning the unreedemable financing
         both at the County Council level and at the 97 local   sources),
         Councils level. This thing meant to buy equipments       ±  the young people's access in the rural area to
         (computers, printers, video cameras, equipment for     know anduse themodeminformationaltechniques,

         transmission and communication and the proper            ±  open new horizonts and professional guidance
         know-how), which allow the high quality transmission   Itoward the top fields of IT, connecting all the schools
         at a high speed traffic.This thing allowed the extension  inthecounty,
         of the connection toward budgetary institutions under    ±  the citizens' access, from any point in the county,

         the County Council authority and a part of the public  to the information and services related to I the sanitary
         decentralizedservices.                                 units(hospitals,medicalunits,ambulance),
                                                                  ±  take out from isolation the localities with
                                                                difficulties in communication, installing the system to
                                                                alltheusers level

                                                                  ±  reduce the costs of communications at county and
                                                                  ±  increase the population faith in the public
                                                                administration by having direct, easy and full access to

              It has realized the connection of the users in the
         system, and this allowed the Local Councils to benefit
         of the necessary support to realize their own

         informational systems, facility which allows the final
         users - the citizens, the access to the public information
              Thesystemoffers thefollowingadvantages:                    DirecŃia Generală a Finan Ńelor Teleorman

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