Page 18 - Album Monografic Judetul Teleorman
P. 18
councils, commune and town councils - at
administrative level and - president and county
councils- atcountylevel.
Teleorman County Council is formed from
president and 32 county councillors, who have
different professions and belong to different political
parties, the elected management for 200 -2012
Primăria municipiului Roşiorii de Vede
Authorities in Europe (member of the Chamber of
Regions and of the Sustainable Development
Committee), as well as president of the National Union
of Romanian County Councils and he is vicepresident
of theSocialDemocratParty.
Primăria municipiului Alexandria vicepresident, born on the 25th june 196 , 5 as
profe sion heis aengineer , is memberof PSD .
2 h
LIVIU NICOLAE DRAGNEA Teleorman County ILIE BĂLAN , vicepresident, born on the 1 t
Council President, born on the 28th October 1962, as december 19 48 as profe sion he is a economist, is
profession he is an engineer; he is also the Romanian memberof PNL .
representative to the Congress of Local and Regional
Harta administrativă a judeŃului Teleorman