Page 16 - Album Monografic Judetul Teleorman
P. 16
Zăvoaiele evoluate din Lunca Dunării sunt
formate din plopi, sălcii, la care se adaugă şi unele
foioase. Zăvoaiele de sălcii sunt instalate în locurile
mai joase, iar cele de plopi, pe grindurile mai înalte, dar
Cele mai frecvent întâlnite animale sunt: iepurii,
vulpile, viezurii, popândăii, hârciogii, şoarecii de
Dintre păsări amintim: privighetoarea, sticletele,
graurul, cinteza, fazanul, mierla, piŃigoiul, cioara, FLORA AND FAUNA
Dintre reptile sunt prezente: şopârle, guşteri, The bio-pedageographic potential in Teleorman
şerpi, iar ca batracieni: broasca de pădure, guşterul şi County has evolved tight connected to the relief, rocks,
broascarâioasă. climateandhydrologyconditions.
Dintre speciile de peşti care populează apele The North part of the county is framed in the area
judeŃului amintim crapul, caracuda, carasul, linul, of the fir forests, represented by ash, elm, carpen, the
ştiuca,somnulşiroşioara. forest pear-tree and apple-tree. The bush vegetation is
Din Dunăre, alături de crap, se pescuiesc şi specii formed by hips, dahlia, elder tree etc., and savoury,
de peşti migratori cu valoare economică precum: dandelion,andotherrepresentgrass vegetation.
scrumbiadeDunăre, nisetrulşipăstruga. The meadows vegetation is composed of woods
and pastures. The meadows forests called "zăvoaie",
are formed by trees with mellow wood (poplars,
willows) and they appear discontinuous in the Olt and
The evolved "zăvoaie" from the Danube meadow
are formed by poplars, willows, at which there are
added some other species. The willows are situated in
lower places, and the poplars are situated on the higher
grinds, butdisposed tothefloods.
The most frequent animals are: rabbits, foxes,
badger, field mouse, ground squirrel, wild boar, etc.
From birds the representatives are, nightingale,
magpie, thistle-finch, blackbird, titmouse, pheasant,
starling, chaffinch crow, woodpecker and others. From
thereptilearepresentsnakes, lizards,andfrogs.
From the fish species which populate the waters
in the county we mention: the carp, "caracuda", "caras',
the smooth fish, "ştiuca", "somnul", "roşioara". From
Danube River together with, carp are fished migratory
species with economical value as Danube mackerel